Daily Pisces Horoscope January 25 (25/01)


Feb 19 − Mar 20

Alias: Alias: The Fish

January 25


daily pisces horoscope:

summary pisces daily

Star 10/10

Were encouraged to look at all thats positive and not focus attention on whats negative or seen as wrong. Theres nothing wrong with focusing on whats negative or less than ideal if doing so inspires us to focus instead on whats positive and right or encourages us to improve whats far removed from satisfactory! If youre determined to focus on whats falling short of expectations now, then only do so with a view to improving it. Its within your ability to do so!


summary pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

Unexplored territory could be beckoning. Although it might be unfamiliar, youve likely managed to make an accurate assessment of it from a distance. You probably dont need reminding or reassuring about opportunities that exist but require you to experience a bit of discomfort to explore properly. Thats why youre being encouraged to remove yourself from a comfort zone. A tiny bit of discomfort now will take you somewhere you will soon acclimatize to very comfortably!


summary pisces weekly

Star 9/10

Even a child, and one probably skilled at using latest technologies, is aware of how the need for everyone to think for themselves is diminishing. The Instant Age we live in has much to answer for and is showing no signs of slowing. Fortunately, people like you recognize all the technology in the world cant replicate sensitivity, compassion or true creativity. All three traits are about to emerge from within you this week and there will be something beautiful about how genuine each is.


summary pisces monthly

Star 7/10

Venus moves into Pisces on the 3rd, boosting your confidence, attractiveness and charm levels. If youre a single Piscean looking for love, then use Venuss influence until early January. A Full Moon on the 12th could highlight an unexpected development with a child or bring matters to a head involving a partner. Decisive action will be needed either to confront and resolve a love-related issue or cut loose a romantic connection that has become emotionally-draining.


health pisces daily

Star 7/10

This is a good time for encouraging different aspects of your inner self to come out of hiding, in order to help shift your habits to fit your true needs. Breaking down the old and welcoming the new is favored, and therefore developing the skills of careful aim and diligent follow through. Be vigilant in your healthy choices (choose to drink copious amounts of water!), and be even more vigilant in opening yourself up to learn what is inside.


health pisces tomorrow

Star 9/10

You have been on a journey of process, it seems, and you may be craving something that you can sink your teeth into. Whatever you are craving, your internal organs are most likely craving as well. Give them something they can really "gnaw" on, such as: kale, chard, fennel, and chickory. Leafy green salads and roots vegetables can make a big difference in your outlook on life, believe it or not. Take a night off from the gym and plan some meals that include these ingredients.


health pisces weekly

Star 10/10

A general health problem that you may suffer from is a tendency to be sensitive to foods or environmental factors. You may have allergies, intolerances, or perhaps a mild problem that reveals itself now and again when youre stressed. If you have symptoms and cant seem to find the source, you might benefit from a few tests.


health pisces monthly

Star 7/10

With feisty Mars in Pisces for much of the month, your energy could be more buoyant, and you may feel like exercising more. However, an active social life could also keep you busy, so you might need to counteract the effects of late nights, rich meals, or fast food with foods that are more healthful and sustaining. Starting January 19, you may find that you want more time to yourself, and this can include gentle exercises like yoga or tai chi. This can also be the ideal time to opt for a detox of a few days that leaves you fresh and sprightly.


love pisces daily

Star 9/10

The energy radiating from the planets could make you determined to encourage someone close to you to see your point of view. If you want to keep on fairly good terms with them, it may help if you could cool down a little and try not to force the issue for a while. A heart-to-heart talk would do you both a world of good, if you could manage this.


love pisces tomorrow

Star 10/10

You tend to stick to difficult relationship situations for far longer than is actually necessary. The celestial configuration is helping you to understand just how soul-destroying it can be to hang on when every aspect of your being is urging you to move on and get out. You need to develop a little more compassion for yourself and give yourself a chance to change when and if necessary.


love pisces weekly

Star 9/10

Dating more than one person at a time is fine for other people, but it just doesnt feel right for you at the beginning of the week. If you have more than one person whos interested in you, it might be time to choose. You have a busy life at the end of the week, but you make time for the right person. Whos the person you daydream about the most? That may be the one.


love pisces monthly

Star 8/10

You have lovely things to look forward to when Venus enters Pisces on January 3. Luck plays a role in the romantic things happening around you, but you can no doubt take credit for some of them, too. Mercury enters strict Capricorn on January 12, which clashes somewhat with your style of communication. You may be asked to get to the point more than once, but rushing your words rarely leads to anything good. Mercury and Pluto interact on January 26, so you arent interested in anyone you suspect of putting up a front. You value honesty and integrity and demand it of your dates.


career pisces daily

Star 7/10

A wonderful new seven-year cycle has just begun in which your talents of sensitivity and intuition are more on the "in" than on the "out". Consider moving into fields of work that you have fantasized about, which help put your psychic abilities to work.


career pisces tomorrow

Star 7/10

Follow your gut instinct and you will be blessed with flashes of brilliance today. Great ideas will come out of the blue and you will surely want to grab hold of them. There is no need to hesitate or delay; just act. You are on the track toward success.


career pisces weekly

Star 9/10

Bad advice can bring a sudden reversal of fortune. Things move in a different direction than you anticipate. Its very important not to take setbacks personally. Some people may have to quit or be laid off. Sometimes change comes from the disloyalty or greed of someone you trusted. View any setback as an opportunity to move in a new and better direction. Cut your losses and come to terms with unavoidable limitations.


career pisces monthly

Star 7/10

A risk could backfire toward the middle of the month. Although you should be respected for your bold vision, there simply isnt money in the budget to bring it to fruition. Try not to dwell on your disappointment. There will be other opportunities to try new things. The important thing is to roll the dice even when the odds are against you. The next time you get a chance to try your luck, you wont be as reluctant. Working on a private project will be rewarding toward the end of the month. There will be unexpected financial and emotional rewards from this endeavor.



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