Daily Gemini Horoscope March 01 (01/03)


May 21 − Jun 21

Alias: Alias: The Twins

March 01


daily gemini horoscope:

summary gemini daily

Star 8/10

You could feel tempted to step beyond a boundary. Where you thought youd focus on only one plan of action, you could find yourself committed to something different instead. However, being able to see clearly in your mind where you want to be could cause you to feel frustrated at where you are now. Fortunately, others are supportive of your lofty ambitions, even if you worry about how high your expectations are. The success you want can only come from focused collaboration.


summary gemini tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your positive outlook can bring specific goals within reach. However, sheer optimism might not be enough to make something spectacular happen if your visions arent underpinned with practical plans. Visualizing the best possible outcome to any situation is admirable and helpful to a point, but carefully planned actions are needed to kickstart your dreams. Create action plans or schedules that give your eyes and brain something to see and process. Thinking isnt enough.


summary gemini weekly

Star 9/10

This week, consider what feels so urgent. Then, take a look around you. Does anyone share your belief that something has to happen immediately? Chances are, they dont. Its possible theyre more accepting of a process required to take an idea or plan from A to B and how integral patience is to this unfolding properly. Its in the Patience Department that you might struggle most this week. Youre right to feel passionate about an idea or project that you know, in your heart, holds tremendous potential for success. However, youll need to accept that it wont be rushed or hastened, no matter how passionately you wish it could!


summary gemini monthly

Star 8/10

This month, push your creative boundaries. Being guided by your imagination can take you into new, creative territory. Youll be attracting the right kind of attention with your talents impressing the right people. As much as you might want to receive praise and recognition for creating something special singlehandedly, youll need to delegate certain tasks or accept creative input from others to make your vision real. Anything connected with publishing, international communication or people overseas is superbly starred, so take your pick and pursue it!


health gemini daily

Star 8/10

Another day, another planetary energy - and youre full of big ideas. There is so much potential in a fresh canvas - what you decide to create will undoubtedly bring you satisfaction. However, you need to put your ideas into action. The celestial atmosphere gives you the positive inner support you need, but its up to you to actually motivate your body to take the required steps toward actualizing your dreams. Exercise should be at the top of your to-do list this month.


health gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

When your balance feels a little off, as it will surely do while this planetary alignment lasts, treat yourself to pampering in the healthiest sense. Cut back on your social obligations and make decisions based on what works for you. Your tendency to help out friends is something to limit this week as you draw the focus around yourself and your own physical needs - time is your most valuable asset. Use your time to get exercise and rest, and to prepare healthy meals at home.


health gemini weekly

Star 8/10

Family members may have coughs, colds, or flu bugs. If you arent careful, you could be next in line. Stay fit, get out in the fresh air, and exercise daily. Above all, make sure to eat good food and take vitamins and minerals regularly. You can avoid all these problems if your immune system and mental state are strong.


health gemini monthly

Star 10/10

The moon is waning during the first two weeks of the month, so think about detoxing and working up a sweat, perhaps by eating a simple diet of fruits and vegetables or using a steam room or sauna. And with Valentines Day on March 14, you might be eager to get into shape and show your loved one the fruits of your efforts. A positive focus on your travel zone suggests you may be planning a big escape to somewhere exotic. If so, this can be very good for you, leaving you refreshed and restored physically, mentally, and emotionally.


love gemini daily

Star 10/10

You are feeling in very good spirits, with the heavenly energy of the day. Romantically, you are in the driving seat and can pick and choose from a selection of potential dates. Right now you may not be feeling like making a decision concerning any one person, as you are not even sure whom you would choose. Since there is no need to hurry, you can enjoy making your choice at leisure.


love gemini tomorrow

Star 8/10

Todays planetary alignment brings with it a rather delightful opportunity to act a little crazy, and to get away with it, as well. Experiment with the new in all areas to create a positive change in your love life. Transform your clothes and your hairstyle, your approach and outlook. Anything that seems limiting or restricting needs to be reflected upon. Its time for a personal revolution.


love gemini weekly

Star 10/10

You have so much to offer someone, Gemini. Just because a past relationship didnt work out the way you wanted it to doesnt mean you cant find happiness in the future. A positive attitude is one of your best attributes. A busy weekend doesnt leave much room for dating, but a quick text or DM conveys your message well. Getting right to the point is sexy.


love gemini monthly

Star 7/10

You love being single, and the moon in freedom-loving Libra on March 4 and March 5 reemphasizes that youve been making the right life choices. You might couple up in the future, but you cant imagine being tied down right now. You feel slightly uncomfortable as Mercury, your power planet, visits sensitive Pisces on the seventeenth, because you prefer logic over emotion. Getting creative with your responses to probing questions can help you avoid more in-depth conversations. You can reach important personal revelations during the Mercury-Neptune conjunction on March 25 once you listen to your intuition. Acknowledging you could benefit from transformation is the first step toward obtaining it.


career gemini daily

Star 10/10

This is a fantastic time of year for you to move forward with yearly goals that you established around the time of your birthday. Huge leaps are possible for you right now. Taking the time to plan and review is key, as opposed to just acting blindly.


career gemini tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your high energy and good-natured spirit is in high demand. People will be open to your viewpoints and willing to give your expansive perspective a try. Even if your idea is a shot in the dark, there is a very good chance it will succeed.


career gemini weekly

Star 9/10

This is a high-energy time when you can expect positive feedback for your efforts. This period supports making contacts and shining at customer service. Careful organization and attention to detail are necessary now. You may become clearer about what you need to do after someone challenges your methods. It will be important to cope with unavoidable realities and restrictions. Watch your temper. Frustrations can lead to regrettable outbursts.


career gemini monthly

Star 8/10

March 10 is perfect for giving a professional presentation. Youll make a great impression on both peers and superiors. Dont promise more than you can deliver on the thirteenth, when you might be tempted to bite off more than you can chew. The solar eclipse on March 15 could bring a chance to get some advanced training. Seize the opportunity to go to school, especially if your employer is paying the tuition. Landing an overseas job is another possibility on this magical day. A pushy colleague should be put in their place on the last day of the month. Dont let anyone impose on you at this busy time.



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